Aeonia Larp #01-S1: Mystagogy


#01-S1: Mystagogy

Invitations are being sent out bearing the seals of the Four Tetrarchs, rulers of the newly consolidated nation of the Tetrarchic Despotate of the Sea. Most of them end in the hands of local Acolytes, Warlocks, Demon-Worshippers, Barbarians and Warlords that reside in the Despotate’s lands. However some of them reach places far and wide across the continent. They end up in the hands of various Livingbound heroes, nobles and rogues, mages and soldiers, the only common link between them, the gift, or curse, of refusing to stay on the other side of the Veil. The invitations describe a major event in the Despotate, the Mystagogy. A celebration of sorts, a ritual, a reminder of their consolidated power and also an opportunity. An opportunity for the mighty, conniving and ambitious to rise amongst the pile of rejects, and claim a seat in the Despotate itself. The trials will test the contestants’ wits and body. While in the meantime, they are at the mercy of the Tetrarchs’ schemes and especially Hyperion’s who has a newly found pastime of experimenting on the bodies of helpless victims.

You hold in your hands one such invitation. You consider the possibilities, an opportunity to find out more about that mysterious new nation. Τo confirm, if the rumours surrounding it, rumours of a kill or be killed ladder to ultimate power, are true, an opportunity to maybe make contacts amongst such a place, or an opportunity to True Power. The dark lands of Molosona and the Tetrarchs await. In these trials death is almost a certainty and there is only one rule:  Eat or be eaten, be ready to sacrifice everything and everyone.


Key Lore Points

The Tetrarchs’ Communion
There are rumours surrounding a vile concoction that the Tetrarchs of the Despotate only offer to their most trusted champions. Its composition is not known to the common folk but few that claim to have seen it offered say that it is a crimson, viscous liquid, exactly how one could imagine a Tetrarch’s blood would look like. Rumours of the effects of this… Communion reaches far and wide. The Tetrarchs’ chosens are granted one more chance before leaving their mortal coil behind as their souls cross the veil, one more chance to serve their Masters and succeed, or be doomed to oblivion…

  • Around 1711 DC the first descent of Northern Tribes took place. A huge number of people, coming from the North, made their appearance following a mass migration from colder regions into other more fertile parts of the world. Aeonians had to adapt and learn to coexist with them. This process created many problematic situations but throughout the years the people learned how to cohabitate and accept the existence of variant lifestyles.
  • During 1790 DC, after the death of King Rufus the Barbarian; Tribes seized power and proceeded to rule Aeonia for the next five years. Over that period, they divided the land into clans,  dividing the population, creating a negative atmosphere among Aeonian inhabitants. These practices came to an end with the coronation of King Maximus II in 1795 DC. His ascent to the throne restored peace and set the wheels of reconstruction on the march once again.
  • In 1992, during the second Scourge, the Dwarves found themselves in a pitched battle within their keeps and unanimously decided to seal & lock all passages to the surface so that the Scourge creatures could not walk on the overland. Heptapyrgion was besieged, Molosona & Ambrakia were overrun with only the city of Music and Actium remaining strongholds. Roumeli became a battleground as the people resisted the hordes that came their way.
  • The harsh conditions combined with the dark touch of the Scourge have birthed a nation that is governed by fragile alliances where everyone fights for their survival regardless the consequences. The barbarian tribes never quite managed to integrate into the local societies. Their warrior culture being passed on from generation to generation. One could say that their society is split into two; the barbarian warriors and the mages with a talent for dark magic.

Disclaimer - Lasting Consequences and Theme

While, as written in the introduction, Livingbounds all over Aeonia are invited to the Mystagogy, the organising team encourages players to experience this ritual with a character that they will have the opportunity to generate in the pre-game workshop on the day of the event 12/11. There will be two flavours of these characters, “Acolytes”, which encompasses, ominous warlocks, dreaded necromancers, and similar conniving nefarious figures, and “Barbarians”, for the more tribalistic shamans, raging marauders and furious raiders out there.

Should a player decide to attend the Mystagogy with their established Inhabitant Character, they have to take into consideration:

  • The theme of the Ritual and the Despotate’s practices, while a Knight in Shining Armor would offer much entertainment to the Observing Tetrarchs, it is doubtful that they would commit whatever they ask of them in order to survive
  • Dying: During these trials death is almost a certainty and it will have lasting consequences on the character which will be felt up to and the event in Serres.

Due to the high stakes of the game and to remain faithful to the theme, Traveller characters will not be permitted in this event. Instead players with Traveller characters will be able to create, customise and play their generated characters mentioned above. At the end of the document you can find key information about the Tetrarchic Despotate.  For further reading please refer to the tome of History. Please note that if you choose the generated characters you will still be eligible for the position of the Despot and the character will belong to the player and can be played in future games because at the end of the event all characters will acquire the Livingbound trait.


Disclaimer - Trigger Warnings

Mystagogy is an event that aims to explore darker themes related to the lore of Aeonia and its people. The Tetrarchic Despotate is a place where ruthlessness, unkindness, and violence are praised as the ultimate traits of a good leader. In order to do the event’s story justice, we want to inform you that the game will contain visuals and themes that might be disturbing to some players. 

Namely, it will touch on themes like physical and psychological violence, blood, ableism, death and murder. Even though all the above will only be present in the context of game mechanics and visual references we understand that this game might not be for everyone and player discretion is advised.

Despite the darker theme, our priority is to have fun in a safe environment. Therefore, we trust all players to use the appropriate safety mechanics when needed and to adjust their interactions according to their limits.

Please play safely!